22 March 2010

Legal Challenges Against Obamacare

Obamacare is a power-grab, plain and simple. The government can regulate what they fund, and they will make health care government run (and funded) by undercutting and over-regulating the private sector. Some states are going to try to fight this in the courts, though.
"The health care reform legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives this last night clearly violates the U.S. Constitution and infringes on each state's sovereignty," [Florida Attorney General Bill] McCollum said in a statement. [...]

Constitutional lawyers have questioned whether such a lawsuit could be successful, since federal law trumps state law. But opponents are looking to get around that by questioning the law's constitutionality.

McCollum is joining with attorneys general from South Carolina, South Dakota, North Dakota, Alabama, Washington, Pennsylvania, Utah, Texas and Nebraska.
If this can't be undone in the courts, then we may have run out of nearly all of our options. I pray that's not the case.


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