15 April 2008


The great and eloquent orator, B. Hussien Obama, chose his words poorly again at a fundraiser in San Francisco about a week ago.

You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, a lot of them -- like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they've gone through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. So it's not surprising then that they get bitter, and they cling to guns, or religion, or antipathy toward people who aren't like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
It's not the bitter part that I have a problem with. I just paid my taxes, so I know bitter. My problem, however, is Obama's assertion that many Americans end up "clinging" to beliefs that comfort them simply because they are reasonably dissatisfied with the way the government intrudes upon their lives (although BHO would say that they are bitter because the government hasn't done enough, as opposed to sticking their collective noses in too much). It is very condescending for Obama to essentially say, "Small town folks need a crutch to cope with some of the hardships in their lives; and you fine, enlightened people here in San Francisco surely realize that the crutches that those rubes tend to hold tightly to are guns, religion, and bigotry."

When Obama voted against CAFTA, was his bitterness causing him to cling to an anti-trade sentiment?

When Obama voted for building a fence along the Mexican border, was his bitterness causing him to cling to an anti-immigrant sentiment?

When Obama chose to continue to attend Trinity United Church of Christ, was his bitterness causing him to cling to religion and antipathy toward people who aren't like him?

I'm sure that he and his supporters would say no to any of those questions, and then proceed to explain that Obama did those things due to personal beliefs and concerns for his family and nation. Yet Obama didn't seem to give the same credit to a wide group Americans while addressing a very exclusive group in San Francisco, and that is what is making many people look at him now as an elitist snob.

It is part of our national culture when any American, from a small town or otherwise, chooses to own a firearm for hunting and/or self-defense, attends a church because they feel that God really is important, or has an opinion on any issue of the day, including opinions about people who don't follow the rules when coming to or remaining in our country, the affect of trade agreements on local jobs and economies, or anything in general that the government does or imposes upon us. Those things can be done because of rights secured to us by our Constitution, and exercising those rights is done by Americans every day because it is part of who we are, not because of any level of bitterness.

Obama comes across as a snob on this one, and truly out of touch with many Americans.


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