29 March 2010

New Obamacare Departments: Offices of Health Insurance Consumer Assistance or Health Insurance Ombudsman Programs

I'm sick of hearing from the Progressives that the talk of Obamacare expanding government is just a scare tactic. Well, I found a list of newly created offices or progams in the Obamacare bill here, so I am going to go through the list, verify the language in the text of the new legislation, and then present the summary of any new departments and a link to the actual text at the official House website.
Offices of Health Insurance Consumer Assistance or Health Insurance Ombudsman Programs (Section 1002)
Note: The above link opens a PDF of the full text of the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" to the page on which Section 1002 begins

Grants will be provided to the states, or to health insurance exchanges operating in the states, in order to establish, expand, or provide support for Offices of Health Insurance Consumer Assistance or Health Insurance Ombudsman Programs. In order to be eligible for such a grant, the state must designate an office or ombudsman. Funding of $30,000,000 for the first fiscal year, and sums as may be necessary for each fiscal year following the first fiscal year.
Here's the tally:
Sections Reviewed: 1
New Funding: $30 million +

(h/t to Vir Speluncae Catholicus for the list)


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