03 February 2009

I Received An Award!

Smiley over at Dies Irae has given me my first award. I don't have the text that went with it (my bad), but I believe that I was supposed to nominate eight others for this award. With that in mind, I bestow this award upon CC at The Crescat, The Roman Catholic Blog, Nick at Libertarian Librarian (if he ever gets back to blogging), Jim at My Two Cents Worth, Joan at Primordial Slack, Socratic Catholic at For truth and not fame more..., and the first two bloggers to comment on this post.

Note that The Lair of the Catholic Cavemen and Joe at Verbum Veritatis have already received this award, so that is the only reason why I did not present it to them as well. Additionally, I figured that any of the military bloggers would hunt me down and punish me if I gave them an award with hearts on it. As to the political blogs on my blog-roll, well c'mon, they're into politics; they are likely far too jaded and cynical to want an award from little ol' me.


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